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Finn John, July 19 2023

Understanding Air Gapped Backup

What is  Air Gapped Backup? It refers to a backup strategy that involves storing data in a way that it is physically isolated from other networks and systems. This means the backed-up data cannot be accessed via internet, wireless connections or any other network connections, offering an additional layer of protection against cyber threats.

The Importance of Air Gapped Backup

In today's digital world, data is an incredibly valuable asset. However, the rise in cyber threats such as ransomware attacks has made it more important than ever to protect this data. That's where air gapped backups come into play. They offer a secure method for storing backups by completely isolating them from other systems.

How Does Air Gapped Backup Work?

Air gapped backups work by creating a physical gap between the backup data and other networks. This can be achieved by disconnecting the storage device from the network after the backup is complete, or by using a dedicated device that is never connected to the network.

Benefits of Air Gapped Backup

Enhanced Security

One of the primary benefits of air gapped backups is the enhanced security they provide. By physically isolating backup data, you can prevent unauthorized access and protect your data from Cyberthreats.

Protection Against Cyber Threats

Air gapped backups provide a high level of protection against cyber threats such as ransomware. Even if your network is compromised, your backup data remains safe and inaccessible to the attackers.

Reducing Risk of Data Loss

With air gapped backups, the risk of data loss due to accidental deletions or hardware failures is significantly reduced. Since the backup data is stored separately, it remains unaffected by issues impacting your primary data.

Drawbacks of Air Gapped Backup

Accessibility Issues

Air gapped backups may not be as easily accessible as cloud or network-connected backups. In case of a disaster, it might take longer to restore data from an air gapped backup.

Physical Storage Challenges

Storing backups in an air-gapped manner requires physical storage solutions, which can be challenging to manage and maintain.

Cost Implications

Implementing an air gapped backup strategy can also be more expensive than traditional methods, due to the additional hardware required and potential increased labor costs.

Instances where Air Gapped Backup Proved Beneficial

There have been numerous instances where businesses have been able to recover from devastating cyber-attacks thanks to air gapped backups. One notable example is the attack on Maersk, a shipping giant, which was able to recover its entire infrastructure because of its air gapped backups.


While air gapped backups do come with their own set of challenges, the level of security and peace of mind they provide often outweigh these drawbacks. In an era of increasing cyber threats, having an air gapped backup strategy could be the difference between a minor setback and a catastrophic data loss.


What is an air gapped backup?

An air gapped backup is a backup that is physically isolated from other systems and networks to provide an additional layer of security.

Why are air gapped backups important?

Air gapped backups are important because they offer a secure method for storing backups, protecting them from cyber threats such as ransomware.

Written by

Finn John

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