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Finn John, July 27 2023

Air Gapped System: What Is It and How Does It Work?

The Air Gapped System is a type of security measure used to protect networks and systems from malicious attacks. It involves physically separating a local network, or its connected devices, from the internet and other external networks. This separation helps prevent any outside access or influence that can threaten the security of the system. In this article, we will explore what an air gapped system is, how it works, and why it is so important.

What is Air Gapped System?

An air gapped system is a type of security measure used to protect networks and systems from malicious attacks. It involves physically separating a local network, or its connected devices, from the internet and other external networks. This separation helps prevent any outside access or influence that can threaten the security of the system.

How Does an Air Gapped System Work?

Air gapping is done by physically removing all connections between the network and other networks – such as the internet – to create an isolated environment with no access points for potential attackers. In addition, physical barriers are typically put in place (such as walls) to further isolate these sensitive systems. All data within this isolated system is protected against unauthorized access, allowing only authorized personnel with specific credentials to access it.

Why is an Air Gapped System Important?

Air gapping provides a secure environment for sensitive data and systems that need extra protection from external threats. By isolating the network, malicious actors are unable to access or interfere with it in any way. This added security layer helps prevent data breaches and other cyber-attacks, ensuring the safety of the system’s data and resources. Additionally, air gapping also helps reduce the risk of Malware infections that can compromise a system’s security.

Types of Air Gapped Systems

There are two types of air gapped systems:

1. Network Air Gapping:

This type of air gapped system isolates an entire network from the internet or other external networks. It is used to protect a network and its connected devices from outside access.

2. Device Air Gapping:

In this type of air gapped system, individual devices are isolated from other systems and networks. This helps protect these specific devices from malicious attacks and unauthorized access.


Air gapped systems are a critical security measure used to protect sensitive data and resources from cyber-attacks, malware infections, and other types of threats. By physically separating these systems from the internet or other external networks, they become less vulnerable and more secure against malicious activity. If you’re looking for added protection for your systems, air gapping could be the right solution for you.


1. What is an air gapped system?

An air gapped system is a type of security measure used to protect networks and systems from malicious attacks. It involves physically separating a local network, or its connected devices, from the internet and other external networks.

2. How does an air gapped system work?

Air gapping is done by physically removing all connections between the network and other networks – such as the internet – to create an isolated environment with no access points for potential attackers. In addition, physical barriers are typically put in place (such as walls) to further isolate these sensitive systems. All data within this isolated system is protected against unauthorized access, allowing only authorized personnel with specific credentials to access it.

Written by

Finn John

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