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Finn John, August 17 2023

Air Gapped Backup - Things You Should Know

Air Gapped Backup is a method of computer security for creating an isolated environment that is completely separate from any network. It is used to protect information and networks from malicious or unauthorized access, ensuring data security and system integrity. In this article, we’ll be discussing Air Gapped Backup and what you should know about them.

What is Air Gapped Backup?

Air gapped backups are data that is stored in an isolated environment and is not connected to any external networks or the Internet. This type of backup ensures your data remains secure, as it cannot be accessed or corrupted by malicious actors from outside sources. Air gapped backups are often used in high-security environments where sensitive information needs to be protected. It also ensures that your data remains safe in the event of a cyber attack, natural disaster or system failure.

How Does Air Gapped Backup Work?

Air gapped backups are created by first transferring data from an external network to a device that is not connected to any other networks. Once the data is transferred, it can be stored on this device or backed up on an external storage media, such as a USB drive. This stored data is then kept in a physically isolated environment, ensuring it cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person or malicious actors.

Types of Air Gapped Backup

There are several different types of air gapped backups that can be used:

Local backups:

This type of backup is stored on a local device, such as a hard drive or USB drive. It can be updated periodically and stored in an isolated environment.

Dedicated servers:

This type of backup uses an external server that is not connected to any other networks or the Internet. The data is stored on this server and can be regularly updated.

Cloud backups:

This type of backup uses cloud storage to store data in an isolated environment. The data is stored securely and can be easily accessed from anywhere with an Internet connection.

Benefits of Air Gapped Backup

Air gapped backups are an important tool for protecting sensitive information. Here are just a few of the benefits of using an air gapped backup:

Data security:

 Air gapped backups ensure data is stored in a secure and isolated environment, making it much harder for unauthorized persons or Malicious Actors to access it.

System Integrity:

By keeping data separate from other networks, air gapped backups help maintain system integrity by preventing any external threats or malicious code from accessing the data.

Disaster preparedness:

 In the event of a disaster, whether natural or man-made, air gapped backups can help to ensure your data remains safe and secure.


Air gapped backups are an important tool for protecting sensitive information in high security environments. It helps to ensure that data is stored securely and isolated from external threats, while also providing a layer of protection in the event of any disasters or system failures. With these benefits in mind, it’s important to consider air gapped backups when looking for ways to increase data security.


What is an air gapped backup?

An air gapped backup is data that is stored in an isolated environment and is not connected to any external networks or the Internet. This type of backup ensures your data remains secure, as it cannot be accessed or corrupted by malicious actors from outside sources.

How does air gapped backup work?

Air gapped backups are created by first transferring data from an external network to a device that is not connected to any other networks. Once the data is transferred, it can be stored on this device or backed up on an external storage media, such as a USB drive.


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Finn John

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