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Finn John, August 31 2023

Air Gap Backup! Debunking Misconception About it

Air Gap Backup is an important concept in the field of data storage and backup. It involves taking a copy of data, which can be stored as physical copies or even digital files, and storing it in a separate location from other data. This means that if one location becomes compromised, the other remains secure – giving you peace of mind that your information won’t be lost.

What is Air Gap Backup?

Air gap backup is a type of data storage and backup strategy that involves keeping copies of important information in separate locations from other data. This can be done by taking physical or digital versions of the files and storing them in an offline location, such as on physical discs or on a USB drive. This ensures that if one source of the data becomes compromised, the other remains secure and unaltered.

Types of Air Gap Backup

The two main types of air gap backup are physical and digital.

Physical Air Gap Backup:

This type of backup involves taking physical copies of important files and storing them in an offline location, such as on discs or USB drives. That way, if the main source becomes compromised, you can still access your backup copy.

Digital Air Gap Backup:

Digital air gap backups involve taking digital versions of files and backing them up to a separate online or offline destination. This can include using cloud-based storage services, external hard drives, or even writing the files onto physical discs.

Benefits of Air Gap Backup

There are many benefits to using an air gap backup system.

Increased security:

By having a separate copy of your data stored in a secure location, you can be sure that it won't be affected if one source becomes compromised. This means that your sensitive information is always protected.

Faster recovery time:

If the main source of data becomes corrupted or lost, the air gap backup will provide you with a quick and easy way to restore the data, reducing the amount of time needed for recovery.


Using an air gap backup system can be more cost effective than other forms of data storage and backup. This is due to the fact that you don't need to rely on third parties or expensive hardware to store your Data securely.


Air gap backup is an important concept in the field of data storage and backup. It involves taking a copy of data, either physical or digital, and storing it in a separate location from other data to provide increased security and faster recovery time. By using an air gap system, you can benefit from improved security, faster recovery times, and cost-effectiveness. As such, air gap backup is an important tool to consider when it comes to protecting your data and ensuring that you are never left without a secure backup.


How does an air gap backup system work?

An air gap backup system involves taking a copy of important data and storing it in a separate location from the main source. This can be done by taking physical or digital copies of the files and storing them on discs, USB drives, cloud-based storage services, or external hard drives.

What are the benefits of using an air gap backup system?

An air gap backup system provides increased security, faster recovery time, and cost-effectiveness. By having a separate copy of your data stored securely, you can ensure that it is always protected even if one source becomes compromised. 

Written by

Finn John

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